What is College Bound?
- College Bound is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
- We provide tutoring and mentoring to 8th-12th grade metropolitan DC public and public charter school students.
- Our goal is to motivate students and to help them improve their academic and college performance.
- The program makes college a reality for students who would like to attend college, but who need encouragement and direction.
Who are College Bound students?
- College Bound students are committed to improving their high school performance and pursuing a college degree.
- Students must be in the 8th-12th grade during the program year and enrolled in a public or public charter school.
How does College Bound work?
- Each student is paired with one adult volunteer, known as a “partner,” who both assists with academics and mentors the student.
- During the school year, students and partners meet weekly for 2 hours to work together on the student’s homework or within College Bound’s curriculum.
- Students may also receive assistance with ACT/SAT Preparation and college applications.
- Qualified College Bound students may apply for a $6,000 scholarship, which may be used at the college of their choice.
What do students and partners do at the weekly meetings?
- Receive announcements of upcoming events, scholarship opportunities, and College Bound news.
- Complete homework, work within the College Bound curriculum, prepare for the SAT/ACT, or participate in college preparation activities.
- Work with other student/partner pairs on completing assignments and tasks.
- Engage in mentoring activities, such as one-to-one discussions on social topics.
- Participate in workshops and seminars or hear from guest speakers.
- Why can’t students just do their homework during the weekly meetings?
College Bound is committed to strengthening students’ basic skills and assisting them with college preparation. As such, we have a curriculum that fosters mastery of fundamental math and English skills.
What services does College Bound offer?
- Access to college preparation materials, scholarships, and other related information.
- Academic enrichment with a special emphasis on math and language arts.
- Scholarship opportunities.
- Enrichment activities, including college tours, college fairs, and career fairs.
- One on one mentoring.
- Financial literacy workshops.
- ACT/SAT preparation.
Who are College Bound partners?
- Partners are professionals from around the DC metropolitan area who are in college or have college degrees.
- Partners are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of their students.
- Individuals that believe that students can and will attend college.